Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cut Out the Sugar!

I know I know we always hear cut out the sugar if you want to lose weight! But those people who say that, well their right! And its not all about losing weight, it about your health, gaining more energy and overall feeling better!

Sugar will actually make you more hungry and as a result pack on the pounds! I have learned to cut out as much sugar as I can, so I cant believe the difference. I am not as hungry as I use to be and not gaining weight. This recent blog I read from a womens story on cutting out sugar really help me decide to try doing it. I highly suggest you read it!

My favorite part is about NOT stacking up on SUGAR FREE, it causes more danger!

"I used to make the mistake filling up on “sugar-free” candies and ice creams, because they were sugar-free.  But they aren’t really danger-free; they are full of chemicals, and send a signal to your brain similar to sugar … they’ll royally screw your body over "


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Read the labels

I was at Wallmart the other day with my sister, and from not living in Canada for 2 years I wanted to buy every packaged  food item on the shelf ( since Switzerland lacks processed products) I was about to pick up a box of Life cereal and a box of Special K bars when I happened to look at the amount of sugar and corn syrup each product contained. I came to realize that the amount of sugar in each product, was the result of me hungry after an hour of eating a bowl of cereal or eating a granola bar. I only realized this because in Switzerland they are all about "natural" non commercialized products, meaning you can literally get fresh milk and cereal from the farmer. I literally saw a positive, healthy difference in my body from eating non processed products.  The point I am getting to, its important to really understand what you are eating! Read the labels! A easy tip is if sugar is the 2nd or 3rd ingredient, try something else that contains less sugar. Less sugar will cause less hungry. Have you ever noticed how your hungry 30 minute after you eat a bowl of Lucky Charms! ;)
Your body is like car who needs fuel to work. However your car also needs maintenance done to continue running. Similar to your body needs food BUT it needs the right nutrition to work properly..

If you are unsure on how to properly read Nutrition labels, check out these links


For the family..


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Slow Metabolism?

Doesn't it drive you crazy when you see those people who are skinny and can eat whatever they want without gaining a pound? Its called having a fast metabolism! Many people, especially woman, have this problem. I was doing some research online of foods that help speed up your metabolism, and decided to test the concept. Well ladies and gentlemen, I notice its working! Ya Ya, you probably think its all in my head but I really do feel a difference after I indulge in some dark chocolate and dont immediately see my love handles growing! Check out these foods that speed up your metabolism!

Foods that speed up your metabolism!


Friday, October 19, 2012

Dont cook alone!

Hey everyone!

So I found its easier and fun to watch youtube videos on how to cook healthy meals. I recommened the channel from Fattlosslifestyle, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ3fpQpHFy8
They provide great tips on healthy cooking and walk you through the steps. So bring your laptop in the kitchen and cook with someone!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tasty Health2012
"Healthy that taste-GOOD!

I use to think eating healthy meant eating carrots and celery and feeling a pain of hungry, but I was wrong! I struggled for many years with falling on and off the health train. I would deprived myself from all the yummy foods because I truly thought that meant I was being healthy. But now I can confidentially say I am able to eat healthy foods without feeling like I forced myself. The reason is I discovered foods that are healthy and taste GOOD! I have been posting many delicious recipes on Pinterest and Twitter that I have personally tried myself, and highly recommend!The recipes are from all different health experts and are guarantee to give you nutrition! .Through my recipes you will discover that healthy food can taste good, and not leave you hungry! And yes, you can eat CHOCOLATE! So stay tune, and follow my updates. Feel free to send me a private message for tips and questions.


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